A Fieldtrip to Freiburg
A reflective diary of a visit to learn about social pedagogy in practice
Residential child care includes regular columns from John Diamond of The Mulberry Bush School
A reflective diary of a visit to learn about social pedagogy in practice
Season’s Greetings from Benny Andersen, President of AIEJI
An idea for supporting care leavers
The eighth issue of the journal is now out.
Coming to terms with hurt is not a short-term fix.
Registration, recognition, support in a crisis …..
Is there a future for a boy with a past?
Time to take a stand
The importance of links across the generations and of ‘family’ connections
Is there a future for a boy with a past?
Two singular ladies we greatly admire Were Lucy the City and Barbara the Shire. Both working in Oxon, they couldn’t be nigher, With Lucy in City and Barbara in Shire. Their characters differed, but each a high flyer; Like chalk and like cheese, the difference entire. The frissons between them made people inquire: Who did … Read more
International Committee of Social Educators? Irish Congregation of Seminarians and Ecclesiastics? Iranian Convocation of Seaside Entertainers? or what?