Vaccines and Child Abuse Allegations

There can be no debate that some vaccines cause very serious injury and even death, to some children. This has been recognised by both the British government(1980) and the U.S.A. government (VAERS Act 1986) for over 20 years and both governments have provided compensation schemes to families with children who have suffered such adverse reactions. … Read more

Circumstances, Identity and Choice

As I spend time with my Mum in the last few months of her life (as Parkinson’s continues its inevitable path of destruction), we reminisce about times past. This self reflection on my part leads to wider reflections on my own identity. Throughout my life I have never felt I belonged to any community. I … Read more

Planning for Chaos

Tricia Pritchard questions the disjointed approach being taken by the Government concerning the registration of nannies.  PANN – the Professional Association of Nursery Nurses – has campaigned for a long time for the registration of nannies and the regulation of nanny agencies, and they are about to have yet another big push to highlight that … Read more

Two Little Boys in South America

During the month of March I was in Ecuador in South America, and ever since I have found it impossible to get two little boys there out of my mind.  So let me tell you about them.  One is called Jurgen, and I will come to him later.  The other’s name I do not know: … Read more

Conferring by the Clyde

The Social Care Association is particularly strong in Scotland at the moment. It has a thriving membership. It has undertaken some large-scale pieces of work there. The new head of training, Liz Willetts, lives there. And the outgoing President, David Baird, comes from Scotland, working at the Kibble. So it made good sense for the … Read more

Why Did Sally Clark Suffer And Die?

There are probably very few people in Britain who are unaffected by the death of Sally Clark, a young mother whose two young children died suddenly and, if that were not enough for her to cope with, was then charged and convicted of killing them and was imprisoned for three years before reason and logic … Read more

The Invisible Worker

When a good friend suggested that I might be interested in a bit of light reading in the form of the Independent Study into School Leadership, I took him at his word and embarked on this mammoth task. Well, all I can say is, “Thanks for nothing, pal, and you’re coming off next years Christmas … Read more

SIRCC Annual Conference

We are very excited about the excellent national and international response that we have had to the call for papers for the SIRCC Annual Conference. Speakers. The theme is Realising Potential: Inspirational Journeys to Positive Residential Child Care Cultures.  The conference is on 6 and 7 June at the Erskine Bridge Hotel, very near to … Read more

Is Alcohol a Drug?

And what is the best way of modifying young people’s drinking habits? A few weeks ago I visited a local secondary school to take part in a debate around the theme of alcohol and young people. As a starting point a casualty consultant gave an interesting talk about the horrors of drinking and used a … Read more