The Best Age for a Birthday?
What makes times special for individuals
Residential child care includes regular columns from John Diamond of The Mulberry Bush School
What makes times special for individuals
She was holding a little baby, and smiled at me with a new-found confidence as she uttered those unforgettable words, “Now I am someone”. It was some time ago, and they have come back to me again and again over the intervening years. Now after a weekend in the presence of at least three mothers … Read more
By setting up systems which reflect the lessons of research
How much technology the average person and child has access to is going to grow exponentially over the years, and the computers, smartphones, tablets, and DVRs we use are likely only the tip of the iceberg.How much technology children are exposed to has many parents wondering whether it’s really a good thing or not – … Read more
Social Pedagogy in Action
Learning out of doors
The present debate relating to the government’s proposals relating to child/adult ratios in early years settings
Communicating emotions without words
The shame of abuse
Careful thinking and good practice can lead to successful outcomes.
How can we ensure that people are valued?
The need for space and risk in order to develop and learn