Residential Child Care in Practice by Mark Smith, Leon Fulcher and Peter Doran
A positive, realistic description of what relationships can achieve in residential care
A positive, realistic description of what relationships can achieve in residential care
A means to justice for some who lose out?
The battle for recognition, an important milestone?
Including language impairment, epilepsy, childminding, fostering and adoption, rating books, the Golden Jubilee, running away, safeguarding, ‘research’ and Mittel Appenzell.
How to improve interprofessional collaboration and prevent child deaths.
Including sport for all, great teachers, children’s rights in Wales, paying for truancy,, transport and family story-telling
Greater openness is needed, but would it breach the Data Protection Act?
An appreciation of a champion of children’s right to be heard
A centrally sponsored scheme of the Indian Government – Civil Society Partnership
Should settled children be uprooted to meet parents’ wishes?
There can be little argument and debate that Westernised societies are patriarchal and are dominated by male power and control. This patriarchalism is powerfully enforced and reinforced in those societies by governments, political parties, religions, the judiciary and legal professions, and the media which are all male-dominated. In consequence women and children are oppressed and … Read more
The family law legislation which is currently in force in Australia, the UK, the USA and Canada is proving to be having disastrous consequences for the children of those countries and are often leading to serious breaches and violations of their rights under international conventions. The legislation is largely framed around the rights of parents … Read more