Editorial: Advocates for Children
The importance of child care professionals co-operating.
The importance of child care professionals co-operating.
The professions need your support to face the cuts.
Including locking children up, justice, leaving care, smells, the X Factor, toddlers’ tantrums, CORE, the Mouse Club, the Pushmepullyou, Youth & Policy and toothbrushes
Don’t blame the cuts.
Including the impact of cuts, music teaching in London, the culling of the quangos, the soul of social work, joining the dance to listen to children in Scotland, the Lord High Almoner, and a simian stocking-filler.
Conferences It’s the conference season, and here are three or four promising events which we recommend to you. From Coalface to Facebook An intriguing title for the Child Care History Network’s Conference on the use of new social media and technology to remember child care experiences. How will the history of child care be recorded … Read more