Editorial : More Haste, More Chaos
Developing social policy needs to take time.
Developing social policy needs to take time.
What are the fundamental concepts which should underpin our work?
Including truancy, vetting and barring, the Big Society, teamwork in child protection, postcode lotteries, telling the truth and Every Child (still) Matters
Each one is an individual, and has something to offer.
Monday 19 January 2009: The Children’s Workforce – Inspectors, with speakers Dame Anne Owers (HM Chief Inspector of Prisons), Juliet Winstanley (Divisional Manager, Local Services Inspection, OFSTED) and Jean Humphries (Deputy Director, Children, OFSTED). The All Party Parliamentary Group for Children has held one meeting in January and chose the children’s workforce as their theme … Read more
A comprehensive text book for advanced early years students
A textbook for students geared to current UK systems
Fundamental ideas are sometimes unspoken, but they channel our thinking.
The All Party Parliamentary Group for Children has held a number of meetings over the summer. I reported on six meetings last month; here are accounts of the final two meetings. Ed Balls MP (Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families) returned to provide an update on the Children’s Plan and the new department’s … Read more
How Aspect is helping to shape the future of the professions which work with children
Healthy involved communities are needed, to reduce crime.
Trying to explain the Five Outcomes at Bluebrick