Comment: Inspection: A New Philosophy Needed
The current values undermine good practice.
The current values undermine good practice.
Developing social policy needs to take time.
Including locking children up, justice, leaving care, smells, the X Factor, toddlers’ tantrums, CORE, the Mouse Club, the Pushmepullyou, Youth & Policy and toothbrushes
Monday 19 January 2009: The Children’s Workforce – Inspectors, with speakers Dame Anne Owers (HM Chief Inspector of Prisons), Juliet Winstanley (Divisional Manager, Local Services Inspection, OFSTED) and Jean Humphries (Deputy Director, Children, OFSTED). The All Party Parliamentary Group for Children has held one meeting in January and chose the children’s workforce as their theme … Read more
Why there is a gulf between official systems and the needs of individuals
Existing standards should be merged into a single inventory.
A Danish research project to consider the effectiveness and morality of restraint
How Collaboration can make the new Care Service Inspection Regime Benefit Everyone
Under Section 5(2) of the Criminal Law Act 1967 a person can be charged with wasting police time, and if the case is serious, a sentence of six months in prison may be passed. The guidelines suggest that wasting ten hours marks the watershed for action to be taken. I suggest that it is time … Read more