Returning the Gaze
Reflections on Research into Residential Child Care in Scotland and England
Reflections on Research into Residential Child Care in Scotland and England
Security depends on mattering to someone, in the long term.
Is there a future for a boy with a past?
Is there a future for a boy with a past?
Is there a future for a boy with a past?
How children from a concentration camp learnt to relate to adults
How to help children survive separation and divorce
A collation of child care research which challenged current thinking
Helping children to come to terms with absent fathers
Children’s Needs Are Paramount. If one takes, as an overriding premise, that the interests of children are paramount when their parents separate, there seems little argument that the court process requires modification from the position it has found itself in over the course of the last decade or two. This brief note explores what the … Read more
Lessons about what does – and does not – damage children
A study of what makes for success in foster care