Editorial: The Critical Role of the Manager in Good Social Care
A critical time for the child care profession
A critical time for the child care profession
The Institute of Childcare and Social Education is offering a lead; will it be followed?
Background information prepared to support the ICSE petition
Including training for social educators / social pedagogues / residential care staff, tombstoning, Ofsted, shaken babies, approved school scandals, therapeutic music, Siblings Together, educational apps, naming ceremonies, and ‘research’
The professions need your support to face the cuts.
An invitation to network, have dialogue and learn
Registration, recognition, support in a crisis …..
International Committee of Social Educators? Irish Congregation of Seminarians and Ecclesiastics? Iranian Convocation of Seaside Entertainers? or what?
An opportunity for residential child care workers to shape their profession
Nancy Hamilton sets out her message as the new SCA President
To stay ahead of the game, the SCA needs to keep evolving.
The faith that has driven Action for Children and the need for a personal narrative