Quite a mixed bag this month. The Editorial urges professional to consider The Critical Role of the Manager in Good Social Care at the SCA/ICSE Annual Seminar.
News Views has its usual mixture of the serious and the not so serious, including internet safety, adoption reform, residential care in Wales, bedwetting in England and Scotland, immunisation planning and ‘research’.
Meredith Kiraly has contributed an important article on kinship care in Australia, in which children and young people speak out about contact with their families.
Alexander Borchert and Sue Ellis have written about the chance for social pedagogy to reach so-called ‘unreachable students‘ and their families in The ‘Good Enough Adult’
On a complementary theme Tomaž Vec suggests that readers might like to increase disruptive behaviour in the classroom as a way of learning how to do the job.
Keith White has been listening to a mother recount her son’s story.
In Jim Hyland’s history of the approved school service, the CHE system begins to unravel.
Clair Davies advocates the need for first-class support in developing a clinical programme and therapeutic practice in residential education.
Dr Lin Day suggests that there’s time to plan something special for a Happy Mother’s Day next month.
Richard Scorer and a number of other lawyers have called for a public inquiry into clerical abuse in the Roman Catholic Church.
The Department for Education has announced plans to review systems with a view to reforming adoption.
A survey has shown that bedwetting is still a taboo issue for worried UK parents.
Finally, there are three reviews of books for children and families:
– My Tourist Guide to the Solar System … and Beyond by Dr Lewis Dartnell
– The Lego Ideas Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
– Understanding Children’s Behaviour by Dr Dinah Jayson