Book Review: Chinese Cinderella and the secret dragon society

Children's Book Reviews

Name of book: Chinese Cinderella and the secret dragon society
Author: Adeline Yen Mah
Publisher: Puffin
ISBN No: 0141314966
Price: £5.99
First name of child reviewing the above book and their age: Emma aged 9
A score out of 10: 10
(1 being rubbish and 10 being fantastic/excellent)
Please write a very short review:
This book is set in China. It tells the story of a sad young girl. She learns to cope with life by learning martial-arts. This skill helps her to cope and enjoy new exciting and dangerous adventures. This book is brilliant and gives a clear picture of life in the 1940’s.

First name of child reviewing the above book and their age: Sophie aged 9
A score out of 10: 10
(1 being rubbish and 10 being fantastic/excellent)
Please write a very short review:
The book describes a real life event from World War II in China, but using imaginary characters. I could not put the book down, it was sad and tragic in places, but exciting and good in other places. I thought the book was fantastic as it followed the adventures of a little girl who was not wanted by her family and went on a mission to rescue some American airmen. I really loved this book and would recommend it and am looking for the other Chinese Cinderella book.

1 thought on “Book Review: Chinese Cinderella and the secret dragon society”

  1. I love this book because of the way the author wrote it. I really feel sorry for CC as she gets into mysterious things. I haven’t read the first book yet, but I would love to because the second one is very interesting and also, heart- breaking. I would recomend this book to everyone to ensure to read and enjoy.


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