There is quite a variety this month. Following on from the April theme of Disability there is an article by Valerie Jackson looking at the nature of disability, a track from a CD and the second part of Elaine’s unfolding story of Aleesha, as she learnt about the extent of her disabilities and how to cope with them.
Then there is the second instalment of the mother’s story about adopting a child, overcoming a series of hurdles.
There is a thoughtful examination of the faith basis of Action for Children, a paper given by Clare Tickell at the SCA Annual Seminar.
Chris Durkin writes about the effects of the recession on young people. Keith White discusses the way a badminton club helps young people to make social contacts. Valerie Jackson has written an appreciation of the life of Elinor Goldschmied, a pioneer in play. CAU! are asking for young people to support their anti-assault campaign.
The Key Texts this month concern a book by Tom O’Neill, the brother of Dennis, whose death preceded the Children Act 1948, and Mr Lyward’s Answer, a classic of observer participation. There are also two Book Reviews – about growing vegetables and when a child goes missing respectively.
And finally, News Views has its usual half dozen bits and pieces.