National Centre

Leila Margaret Rendel. By Mark Sevia

LEILA MARGARET RENDEL, OBE Visionary – Philanthropist – Pioneer 1882 -1969 Most biographies of Leila Rendel begin with the founding of a day nursery in 1911 which became The Caldecott Community. However, the years which preceded this were rich in personal life experience and led to Leila’s passionate interest in the welfare of children and … Read more

International Centre News October 2018

This edition of The TCJ offers the following articles: From Hungary, Edina Feckso-Pirisi and Nandor Grosch present a fascinating account of their work in Children’s Homes with the ‘Kids eye Public Art Association’; ‘A case study of a child filmmaker from a children’s home’  specifically their work with one young person Magdi (anonymised name). They … Read more

Building and maintaining the therapeutic structure, and some thoughts on the consultant’s role. By John Burton

In The Handbook of Residential Care (Routledge 1993) I wrote a chapter called “Creating helpful organisation”. It covered buildings, furnishings and decoration, using money, boundaries, public and private space, kitchens, bathrooms and lavatories, food and catering, team and community meetings, supervision, staff support groups, training and development, rotas, routines and habits, smoking, and rituals and celebrations. … Read more

The wheel comes full circle. By Keith White.

It was a very simple ceremony.  Family and friends had gathered outside the local church beside a rose-bush that was being planted, and then one by one they buried the ashes of their mother/grand-mother/sister/friend.  There were some embraces.  There were some tears.  The little children played, watched, and engaged from time to time like butterflies.  … Read more

A case study of a child filmmaker from a children’s home. By Edina Fecskó-Pirisi and Nándor Grosch

Artistic techniques in the field of social pedagogy Introduction The personality developmental effects of art, when used to create opportunities and to tackle disadvantages, play an intermediary role between the disciplines and practices of psychology and pedagogy[1]. It provides a good opportunity for children to develop self-awareness, self-regulation, a feeling of self-efficiency and social competence, … Read more

International Centre News August 2018

We are very pleased in this 70th anniversary of The Mulberry Bush School to bring you a  themed edition on the work of Barbara Dockar-Drysdale (1912-1999) our founder and pioneer of the concept of therapeutic child care. The first two previously unpublished papers are from the 2012 Mulberry Bush Charity AGM, the centenary of the … Read more

Barbara Dockar-Drysdale. By Robin Reeves

Here is a previously unpublished paper given by Christopher (Robin) Reeves to the Mulberry Bush Organisation AGM, October 2012. This was the centenary year of the birth of  BDD. Robin Reeves was formerly therapeutic consultant to the Mulberry Bush School, before becoming Director from 1980-1991. Barbara Dockar-Drysdale I’m grateful for the invitation to say a … Read more