Learning from History

The Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care and

The Child Care History Network

Child Care : Learning from History : Call for Papers

An international seminar will be held in Glasgow on 7 November 2011. The seminar will consider what has been learnt from studies of child care in the past and how the lessons may be applied in practice today.

It is anticipated that the subject matter will include the abuse of children in residential and foster care, the shipment of children to other countries and developments in child protection. There will probably be an emphasis on services for children with acute needs, such as those requiring out-of-home care.

It is intended that recent research, reports and consequent developments in practice in Scotland will form a significant part of the programme, but it is also hoped that there will be speakers from a range of other countries, so that comparisons can be made and possible solutions to problems may be shared. The seminar will be conducted in English.

The content of the seminar will therefore be of relevance to managers of child care services and practitioners, as well as regulators, academics and researchers.

Sponsorship will be sought to fund speakers, but at this point potential contributors need to be aware that it may be necessary for them to find their own travel costs.

People interested in presenting papers to this seminar should send a 200-word outline of their proposed paper together with a short curriculum vitae and contact details to Wendy Cox. [email protected]. Preference will be given to papers which are concerned with historical practice, but which carry messages for current practice and/or thinking. Speakers will be expected to provide an electronic version of their papers for publication.


1. The term ‘children’ is intended to cover people from babyhood through childhood and adolescence to transition to adulthood.
‘Child care’ is used as a short-hand term for all types of services for children other than normal schooling. It therefore includes day services, residential care, secure care and youth and community work. In continental Europe the fields of social pedagogy and social education, and in America youth care, are included.
‘History’ should be interpreted to include recent events which have been subjected to properly conducted analysis.
SIRCC is sited at Strathclyde University and it acts as a focus for expertise in residential child care in Scotland, providing training, consultancy and support services. www.sircc.org.uk.
CCHN was established in 2008 to provide a means of communication between people concerned about the history of child care and learning from the past. It organises conferences and provides a website. www.cchn.org.uk.
The seminar will commence at 10.00 a.m. on Monday 7 November 2011 and close by 4.30 p.m. It is intended that there will be a supplementary programme on Sunday 6 November, the day before the seminar, including visits to child care archives and a reception in the evening, to permit opportunities for networking. Glasgow is well provided with road, rail and air connections for those travelling from other countries or other parts of the UK.
Informal enquiries relating to the call for papers can be made to Alan Macquarrie [email protected] or Tel 0141 950 3188 during office hours.

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