Manifesto 2011-2012

The Institute of Childcare and Social Education held a General Meeting on 14 March 2011, and the following draft Manifesto, which has not yet been approved by the ICSE Board, was drawn up on the basis of debate at the meeting. Discussion was lively, and the main thrust was to focus on the needs of managers of services, who hold the key to the quality of services provided, need first-rate support and training, and deserve professional recognition through registration.

It is a time of threats to services because of budget cuts, but also of great opportunities, with developments such as social pedagogy and restorative practice under way. If these matters are of concern to you, join the ICSE and help to give your profession a voice.

Contact the Social Care Association, which is administering the recruitment of members to the ICSE; contact details at the foot of this article.

Objectives for 2011-2012

* Challenge the short and long-term damage caused by cuts in services

* Promote good management, leadership, training and support for childcare staff

* Promote good professional practice developments, including social pedagogy and restorative practice

* Focus on extrafamilial / residential care

* Focus on managers of services

* Status of childcare profession to be enhanced

* Promote registration of childcare managers of services

* Recruit members so that elected Board can be established

Action Plan 2011-2012

* Recruit members

* Develop email list of members and supporters

* Meetings with groups of childcare professionals to encourage recruitment of members, using existing groupings and networks

* Maintain ICSE website

* Joint conference with the York Group in autumn 2011

* Monthly articles on Professional Insights in Children Webmag

* Special issue of Social Caring on childcare

* Monthly Newsletter to members

* Maintain active links with SPDN, CSPN, York Group, SCA SCPC, SRCCA, NCB, FICE, AIEJI

* Encourage SCA SCPC to focus on some childcare issues as priorities

* Monitor impact of cuts on childcare budgets, quangos etc., including cumulative effect

* Preliminary work on registration system for childcare managers

* Meet with Ministers

* Election of Board in Autumn 2011

* AGM to be held in March 2012, at which new Board will take over

Apply to join the Institute of Childcare and Social Education at:

Social Care Association,

350 West Barnes Lane, Motspur Park, New Malden, Surrey KT3 6NB
Tel: 020 8949 5837
Fax: 020 8949 4384

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