‘Dot and Dash at the Beach’ by Emma Dodd

What is the book about?

The book is one of a series of stories about Dot and Dash and their friends Big, Tall and Small. In this particular book, they go to the seaside and have a fun time. The book is a board style, with plenty of lift-up pages and touchy textures. The colours are bright and irresistible to small children.

Who is it written for?

This is a suitable book for very small children to share with adults until they wish to ‘read’ by themselves. The story is simple and short and therefore easily remembered.

We gave a number of books to a local day nursery – Alpha Kindergarten in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire – to assist in the reviewing. The children in the Nursery thoroughly enjoyed the book and spent quite some time looking through it.

Dodd, Emma

Dot and Dash at the Beach


ISBN: 978-1407-10700 4



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