Why I Love Childminding
The achievements of childminding, and the job satisfaction
Child Care Articles Focussed on Children In Their Early Childhood, Early Years and Toddlers in Nursery Education
The achievements of childminding, and the job satisfaction
The growth of a world-wide preschool programme, started in the favelas of Brazil
A life-changing ordeal for a three-year-old
What is there to show for £21 billion?
Anger at the undervaluing of Nursery Nurses : PANN / Voice takes action.
Child protection interests and Government adoption policy have combined to take children from their parents.
How Collaboration can make the new Care Service Inspection Regime Benefit Everyone
Observers of life I have been reading histories of childhood written by various authors. Some have been autobiographical; others have been sociological accounts of bygone ages; some were accounts by adults who were evacuated out of the major cities during the War as children. The personal histories in particular held my interest and I was … Read more
Childhood is a concept that has intrigued researchers for many years. There have been historical accounts which trace the evolution of childhood through the centuries. There have been some interesting cultural comparisons written. I would like to begin the ‘Children Webmag – recollection and understanding of childhood’. If any readers wish to contribute, just email … Read more
Over the last few months I have been waxing lyrically about the importance of accepting that all of us are accountable for the state we find our world in. We are accountable for all the many small and large problems. It is our responsibility to do something to rectify the damage.We are also accountable for … Read more
Well, it’s happened and it wasn’t at all bad for a first one.The seminar had as its working question: Where is Childhood Going? A small number of professionals managed to find their way to the University of Northampton campus despite traffic, road works and no one else on the campus having a clue where the … Read more
Then A hundred years ago, when I was very young, my Mother always said the same things when I went out to play, “Don’t go anywhere other than where you said you are going”; “Don’t do anything you shouldn’t” and “Enjoy yourself”, in that order. I knew what time to come back. I knew what … Read more