The New Child Welfare Act in Finland
Introducing new law, new principles, new processes and a new approach
Residential child care includes regular columns from John Diamond of The Mulberry Bush School
Introducing new law, new principles, new processes and a new approach
Introducing Love This month we have a Special Issue on a single theme – as well as quite a number of articles not on the special theme. The theme is Love, a word which has been virtually taboo in child care circles over the last couple of decades. But times are changing, and the Christian … Read more
The importance of love, listening and long-term commitment in making law and systems work for children
The ideas behind the book, new perspectives on child development and the challenge to the Church
Bringing Love and Hate (two four letter words) together
Thinking aloud about providing security in primary education with love
Why this book is really interesting – and may prove to be important
Training, pay, working hours, risk and health and safety all affect good residential care.
Are we unwittingly encouraging children to complain, but not be appreciative?
Making choices and being in control against the odds
Evaluating the impact of investigating abuse in residential care
Art in the gallery, and creativity in living