Before you come here
You must know
You must go
Right place right time
To get you to show
That you must go
How do you measure childhood fears?
In weeks, months or years?
There is time to go.
There will be no one else instead
There will be an empty bed
When you have gone.
Everytime we remember your face
There will be an empty space
When you have gone
The memory of you is, like you, strong
This is the place where you belong
You will never have gone
Your photograph on the wall
Your smile always easy to recall
You will never have gone
Though you leave you can always return
Holding true to your heart you’ve learned
Here is always with you
We are always with you
And when you’ve grown all there is to grow
Then and only then will you know
It is time to go
Here is a place of giving and taking
No more making and breaking
Not another place to have been and gone.