Good Enough Caring Journal issue 17: Charles Sharpe

Issue 17 of the goodenoughcaring Journal, ‘ The Mulberry Bush Issue’ is now online at 


This very special issue of the goodenoughcaring Journal is a celebration and recognition of the work of the Mulberry Bush School and Organisation since its founding in 1948 by Barbara Dockar Drysdale. Perhaps more significantly the articles in this issue, written by people who work and study at the Mulberry Bush  provide a rich analysis of its current and developing endeavours towards helping children and young people.

 John Diamond, the CEO of the Mulberry Bush introduces these articles before offering his Reflections on the development of the Mulberry Bush, 1948-2015,  John Turberville explains  The Mulberry Bush ApproachCaryn Onions writes A multi disciplinary case studyAnnabelle Rose looks at The role of psychodynamic theory in the therapeutic care of children while Zoe McCarthy considers  The role of play in the development of traumatised children. Andy Lole proposes Integrating Ofsted into a truly school led systemDave Roberts writes about The Mulberry Bush Training and outreach team and Ray Burrows  in  The background to the MBOX (Mulberry Bush Oxfordshire) outreach team and a case study describes how research initiated by The Mulberry Bush has helped to develop practice both there and elsewhere.

The second section of this issue provides an  array of sensitive, thoughtful, reflective and sensitive articles. Siobain Degregorio offers an article about her experience of student placement at the Mulberry Bush. Jennie Bristow gives us her article Helicopters or hands off: today’s parents can’t seem to win, Maurice Fenton stresses the importance of Doing the Right Thing for Children in Care and Support Seekers, and John Molloy gives us more of his penetrating reflections on the  historic troubles of Irish child care in his article The Habit of Abuse. 

Michael J. Marlowe writes about Building Relationships with Troubled Children: Insights from Torey Hayden, while John Stein suggests Experience is the Best Teacher, horse whisperer Bethlehem Taylor remembers A Cockney Childhood in the East End Of London :1945-1960  and Charles Sharpe reviews Inequality, Poverty, Education A Political Economy of School Exclusion by Francesca Ashurst and Couze Venn and, Leading Good Care: the task, heart and art of managing social care by John Burton.

We believe Issue 17 of the goodenoughcaring Journal is a very special one and  we hope you find something of interest to you in it.