News Views

Including the lessons of Haute de la Garenne, an honour for day nurseries, Key Texts, night lights and melatonin, social pedagogy and the SPDN, social pedagogy in Slovenia, breast-feeding, the Big Society and Montessori, ‘research’ surveys, TV viewing patterns, poverty, and conferences on children and mental health and young people and faith

News Views

Including Haiti, professionalism, social pedagogy, well-being, Siblings Together and the Old Vic, grandparents’ rights, misbehaviour and classical music, reading, smacking and optimism, new technology and eremitism, child safety, children’s best interests, term-time and holidays, advice for parents, Make-A-Wish, and Slovenia

News Views

Including games, Moon Sand, play, child poverty, A Levels, YoungMinds, island communities and pedagogy in Slovenia .

News Views

A mixture of news items, events, comments and whimsies, including the Government’s new Children’s Plan, Dolly Parton in Rotherham, parents in prison, social exclusion, justice, Good Enough Caring, early education in New Zealand, grading in Scotland, grading in England, IASSW in South Africa and social pedagogy in Slovenia New Year Happy New Year! We hope … Read more