Social Pedagogy and Therapeutic Education
Are the two approaches compatible?
Are the two approaches compatible?
A collection of reflections
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead On Friday, 27 November 2009, the Social Pedagogy Development Network had its start-off event in Colchester. Set up as a grassroots movement by ThemPra Social Pedagogy in partnership with the … Read more
Including the Webmag’s tenth anniversary, institutional abuse of children in Ireland, Ofsted, child care ethics, the recession, social pedagogy, childminder numbers, concurrent adoptions and Christmas wishes
Pass on the Copenhagen Declaration on Worldwide Social Pedagogy Day.
Including ASPECT and social pedagogy, NCMA, nursery provision in Scotland, Voice and mobile phones, and running away.
Clearly we would not have selected social pedagogy as the theme for this issue if we did not consider its introduction into the United Kingdom as an important step forwards in child care services. Equally clearly, there is considerable debate about the value of social pedagogy, its applicability to the UK, and the extent of … Read more
How policy and pilots are proceeding
Adapting the UK to SP and SP to the UK
In Care Matters: Time for Change (DfES 2007) the Government committed itself to funding a pilot programme to evaluate the effectiveness of social pedagogy in children’s residential care. This commitment followed a period of comparative research and feasibility studies carried out at Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education University of London. These studies found … Read more
The professional, personal, and private pedagogue
How activities establish the right values and offer a means of relating