In This Issue: October 2010

Social pedagogy continues to be a subject of current importance as more parts of the UK are experimenting with it. It is therefore the subject of some of our articles this month. Nicola Boyce has provided a description of the progress of the Essex scheme. While acknowledging some difficulties, the overall success of the scheme and the enthusiasm it has engendered stand out. Gabriel Eichsteller has written about the importance of hermeneutics, the Social Pedagogy Development Network and Haltung – the basic approach by which a person lives and which they display at work. Children are quick to spot inconsistencies in a professional’s Haltung.

Keith White looks at question of risk in child care.

We are on to Chapter 15 of A.J. Stone’s Beyond Caring – and the previous chapters are all there if you want to follow the story through.

Chris Durkin has argued for maintaining the importance of sport and culture in the nation’s budget.

As usual we have two of Robert Shaw’s key texts – Masud Hoghughi on caring for children in secure care, and Arnold Critchley and Bridget Fann on group work in hostels for adolescent girls.

We are advertising two conferences and one association. The Child Care History Network have a conference focusing on the impact of new ways of communicating, and Charles Sharpe has sent the details. SIRCC are announcing their 2011 conference and are seeking papers. And the ICSE has opened its membership; if you are a professional concerned about standards in child care you can use this chance to meet up with others.

News Views has a strange mixture this month, ranging from Boris Johnson to the Bishop of Manchester, and from cuts and culls to Dave the Funky Shoulder Monkey.

In the Editorial we ask readers to give us a hand. Tell your colleagues about the Webmag; an email will not take much of your time. Think of writing a piece – a view you have, a story about your experiences, an idea you want to push, something that makes your blood boil perhaps……

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