FICE in Bulgaria

Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives

F I C E Internationale Gesellschaft für erzieherische Hilfen

International Federation of Educative Communities

In October 2008 FICE’s Federal Council met in the Ezeretz Hotel, Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria.

Children in Armed Conflicts

The Federal Council heard that today, in eighteen conflicts around the globe, children are being brutalised and are abused and involved in armed conflicts. It has been estimated that over two million children have been killed in armed conflicts. Another six million have been rendered permanently disabled, and, more than 250,000 children continue to be exploited as child soldiers.

Increasingly, children and women are the primary casualties of war. Governments which used child soldiers in armed conflict between April 2004 and October 2007 were Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan and Southern Sudan, Uganda and the Yemen.

Conference Framework

Zeljka Burgund, President of the Serbia National Section of FICE reported on a conference, which was part of the wider framework of activities undertaken by Slovenia on children affected by armed conflict. This is one of the priorities of the EU Presidency during the first half of 2008.The conference aimed to gather not only representatives of NGOs, EU Member States, EU institutions but also international organisations with a proven expertise on the issue, to look into the possible impact of enhanced collaboration at all levels between the different EU institutions as well as between the institutions and NGOs.

The conference programme consisted of plenary sessions and workshops to consider in detail issues such as: prevention, post-conflict after-effects, child participation and country case studies.

FICE Action

As a result of the conference Children in Armed Conflicts and taking account of the Declaration of Sarajevo, FICE-International decided to create a working group to consider the practice of removing asylum children from their own countries, and they will bring a report for action in 2009. Further details are available from the FICE General Secretary.

Declaration of Sarajevo

After a useful debate, the Federal Council resolved that the Declaration be kept on the website but decided that the translations needed revision.

Books for Sale

FICE-Inter has published two books which are now being sold by IgfH, the German National Section and can be ordered from them.Buchpreise

Book prices

Residential Child Care and its Alternatives

Preis für Nicht-FICE-Mitglieder E 30.60*

Proposed non-FICE-Member price from IGfH

Preis für FICE-Mitglieder E 22.95*

Proposed price for FICE members from IGfH

Children, Families and Care: Reflections on the First Sixty Years of FICE

Preis für Nicht-FICE-Mitglieder E 25.50*

Proposed non-FICE-Member price from IGfH

Preis für FICE-Mitglieder E 20.00*

Proposed price for FICE members from IGfH

Autorenrabatt 25% *

Publisher’s price 25% less *
Plus Porto, Verpackungs-und Verwaltungskosten

Plus postage, packing and administration
Versandkostenpauschale FICE-Bucher

Postage and packing

Bis 2 Bucher

Deutschland 3.00 €

Europa 7.00 €

Welt 11.00 €

Up to two books

Germany 3.00 €

Europe 7.00 €

World 11.00 €

Bei Bestellungen von mehr ais 3 Buchern bitte Preise bei IGfH enfragen ([email protected])

In case of orders for more than 3 books, please ask for the price from IGfH ([email protected])

Contact details for the German National FICE Section :

Internationale Gesellfschaft für erzieherische Hilfen (IGfH)

Schaumainkai 101-103

D-60596 Frankfurt am Main


Tel. ++49-69-633-9860

Fax ++49-69-633-986-25

E-mail: [email protected]


FICE-Inter Membership

Where there is a National Section, anyone interested in FICE membership should join their Section, which then pays its dies to FICE-Inter. Where there is no National Section, individual members or organisations (including universities) may become International Members i.e. direct members of FICE-Inter itself.

The current fees for International Members are :

Individual members 66 Swiss Francs or 40 Euros

Organisations 328 Swiss Francs or 200 Euros

All international members in India,

Africa and Latin America 10 Swiss Francs or 6 Euros

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