‘From Birth to Eighteen Years: Children and the Law’ by Siobhan Maclean, Iain Maclean and Mark Shiner

From Birth to Eighteen Years: Children and the Law

This book is directly linked to the NVQ requirements for Social Care and Child Care. Legislation is an important influence on professional practices and attitudes. The book is revised whenever there are changes in the law affecting children, and it is now in its sixth edition.

The chapters are self-explanatory:

The British legal system; European legislation; Court system in England and Wales; Anti-oppressive practice; Rights; Confidentiality; Health and Safety; Children at work; Protecting children; Looked after children; Residential care; Fostering and adoption; Youth justice; Leaving care; Childminding and care; Education; Children Acts; Standards; Children’s Plan.

Each chapter states succinctly what is it about and uses clear English to explain the nuances of aspects of the law. At the end of each chapter, there is a summary so that students can revise their knowledge.

It is the sort of book that will fit in a document case and it will be an asset to anyone learning about the law relating to children. I like this approach and would recommend it especially to those who wish to learn more.

Maclean, Siobhan, Maclean, Iain and Shiner, Mark

From Birth to Eighteen Years: Children and the Law

Kirwin Maclean Associates, Rugeley

ISBN: 978-1-903575-53-6

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