What is the book about?
This is specifically for children and young people who are in the care system or who have been in care and have since been adopted or returned home. The idea is that there are stories, questions and answers in order to enhance and enrich the experiences of these young people instead of having to accept that this is just the way it is. It talks about ‘positive turning points’ when all that has been suffered fades into insignificance besides a finding of a talent or interest or a new family. It is a book of hope and optimism with a realistic head on its shoulders.
How is the book organised?
The chapters are a promotion of resilience and self- reliance. The stories are real and not all of them have fully happy endings. There is recognition of the importance to maintain relationships between significant people and the children who admire, love or need them. A key chapter is that dealing with the role of adults in each child’s life. A small action or incident can remain with a child or young person forever. It should always be a positive memory.
Who will the book benefit?
Everyone, including the children and young people who experience care and relevant adults from social workers through to mentors, relatives, solicitors and so on, should read this.
How big is it?
It is quite large in size but relatively slim in weight. It is not the sort of book to be carried around, more one to browse through from time to time.
It is the sort of book the Review Team would recommend as a tentative first step into understanding the life of a child looked after by the state.
Gilligan, Robbie
Promoting Resilience – supporting children and young people who are in care, adopted or in need
BAAF Adoption and Fostering (2009)
ISBN: 9-781905-664139