CELCIS is hosting the 12th European Scientific Association on Residential and Foster Care for Children and Adolescents Conference (EUSARF) from Tuesday 4 to Friday 7 September in Glasgow.
Bringing together delegates from 33 nations across the world, this international event is coming to Scotland for the first time and will be officially opened by Aileen Campbell, The Minister for Children and Young People.
The theme of this year’s conference is ‘All Our Children’ – Positive experiences, successful outcomes for looked after and other vulnerable children.
Keynote speakers include:
• Professor Terje Ogden
• Professor Jorge Fernández del Valle
• Dr Bruce D. Perry
• Professor Harriet Ward
• Professor Andrew Kendrick
• Jennifer Davidson
The full programme is now available. Why not visit the EUSARF website for full details and booking information? www.eusarf2012.org
A number of pre-conference events have just been announced including:
• a Global Conversation on Monday 3 September
• Bruce Perry: Introduction to Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics on Tuesday 4 September