Editorial: Now We are Twelve

This is the one hundred and forty-fourth issue of Children Webmag, and it completes twelve years of publication. With only a couple of exceptions, we have come out on the first of every month since January 2000 (though we have had a complaint from an Australian reader that it is the second of the month down under by the time we put new editions out – one of the problems of having an international readership). We have published something over 2,100 articles, and if News Views items are included, there can scarcely be a child care subject which has escaped our attention. And it’s all there to read still in the archives.People who were still legally children in the UK in January 2000 are now approaching thirty years old. In the twelve years of the Webmag the world population has gone up by almost a billion. There are an enormous number of children and young people on this planet, and the provision of high quality child care remains really important.

Where do we go next? The Children Webmag Board has been considering the future of the magazine, and appreciates that the sheer volume of material published to date means that there is an enormous variety for browsers to consult. Do you have views about ways in which the Webmag should develop? Would you like to write for the Webmag? Or would you like to edit it? Please send in any ideas you may have.

In the meantime, Christmas is coming. Why not send all your friends a Webmug? – a coffee mug specially designed by Tony Cantale and produced by Stubbs Mugs of Sheringham to celebrate the names of people who worked with or for children and young people, and challenge your friends to identify the seventy-one names on it.

We wish you a Happy Christmas and every success in 2012.

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