In This Issue

 In the Editorial we emphasise the importance of child care professionals co-operating and the need for the NCB to take the lead.

There was a full obituary of Raissa Page in the Guardian recently, which referred largely to her work as a photographer. Here Ros Niblett as written an appreciation of her work as a champion of children’s right to be heard.

In the In Residence column Keith White has focused on transition, concluding that good practice is often thought-out concerned common sense.

Jim Hyland is continuing his history of the approved school system, describing here how the well-intentioned comprehensive regional planning system became a financial and bureaucratic failure. Compulsory reading for all civil servants.

Valerie Jackson tells how her grand-daughter (and she herself) responded to the death of the family dog.

For Anti-Bullying Week 2011 we offer practical guidance for dealing with a problem that can hurt.

Dr Lin Day talks about surprises in motherhood and how babies are hard-wired to survive.

In Let’s Stick Together a large-scale programme designed to prevent marriage breakdown is described.

Noel Howard has sent an invitation to a conference in Ireland in 2012: Social Care in 2012 – Taking Stock

Robert Shaw’s two Key Texts this month are both by Jean La Fontaine – respectively on bullying and the myth of satanic abuse.

Finally, we have four book reviews.

– First, there is an excellent text on neglect by Brigid Daniel and others.

– Secondly, Valerie Jackson has reviewed the history of the playgroup movement over the last fifty years edited by Ann Henderson.

– Thirdly there is the Pre-School Learning Alliance’s celebratory volume of

50 Favourite Stories and Rhymes.

– Finally Helen Nathan encourages parents and children to bake together.

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