Our Editorial looks at the main ideas which have underpinned the Webmag over the last twelve and a half years, and invites readers to contribute (in the next fortnight) to our one hundred and fiftieth issue.
News Views includes sport for all, great teachers, children’s rights in Wales, paying for truancy, Care.com, transport and family story-telling.
Under the title Being Born Again, Keith White’s In Residence column takes a look at the standard teaching on child development and sees it as something much more complex, affecting adult life, when some people need to reframe their lives.
As a solicitor David Greenwood has seen plenty of evidence of abuse by clergy, and of defensive cover-ups by churches. He argues powerfully for a thorough inquiry.
There is a report by Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation about girls and physical activity; they don’t do enough and the WSFF has an action plan.
The findings of a survey by Baby Sensory show that music through headphones puts unborn babies at risk.
Finally there is a book review by Valerie Jackson concerning Parenting a Child with Dyslexia by Chris Stanway and Lorna Miles.