As explained in the Editorial All Change?, we are at a turning point for the Webmag. This is the last monthly issue. From now on we shall be adding material as it comes in and circulating subscribers from time to time about the new articles.News Views covers its usual mixture – language impairment, epilepsy, childminding, fostering and adoption, rating books, the Golden Jubilee, running away, safeguarding, ‘research’ and the final message from Mittel Appenzell.
Ally Dunhill and Dr Richard Burchill of Hull University argue that an emphasis on children’s rights should improve interprofessional collaboration in child safeguarding – and hopefully prevent child deaths.
Jim Hyland contributes his final chapter in his analysis of the history of approved schools in Lessons to be Learnt for Children’s and Society’s Sake
Elaine Forrest has provided a follow-up to the fascinating series about her battles to obtain the right diagnoses and services for her daughter, who has multiple disabilities. Aleesha is getting on remarkably well.
Keith White has written about the long-term nature of real success in evaluating children’s services.
Gudrun Limbrick introduces her new book, The Children of the Homes, about the experience of former children in the care of Birmingham’s cottage homes.
Valerie Jackson reviews Changing Lives, a unique TV project which throws up lots of questions.
Kathleen Lane compares childhood when the Queen was crowned and now in her Jubilee year. There is lots of clever technology – but are things better for children?
In an article provided for us to mark Missing Children’s Day (which was on 25 May).
Esther Rantzen writes graphically about The Invisible Children.
Terry Hoon has written his first contribution for some time, pointing out how services for children and young people have time and again been shaped by the unintended consequences of well-motivated developments.
Dr. Lin Day has provided another advice article for parents – Top Tips for Handling a Teething Baby.
Finally Graham McPheat of CELCIS would like to know what you think about advanced residential child care training. Take a moment to send him your ideas.