Another issue with a variety of subject matter.First, an article by Jeremy Millar on Throughcare and Aftercare in Scotland, focusing on the support needed by young people leaving care.
Then a piece which may prove contentious: Robert Shaw looks at Child Sexual Abuse: The Experiences of Victims and Abusers, and explodes myths.
There’s no neat and simple answer to the question “What is Social Pedagogy?”, but Gabriel Eichsteller provides the underpinning ideas.
Chris Durkin argues for Economics Where People Matter, going back to “Small is beautiful” and empowering communities
Valerie Jackson describes her first job in the second instalment of Teacher Diaries with the problems of being in a different culture.
We have the fourth instalment of Jim Hyland’s history of the approved school service. Entitled “Pressures for Change” Jim focuses on three scandals and their impact.
The second describes FICE-Europe, who they are, and what they are doing.The ICSE column is on The Twelve Supports for Residential Care. It’s a difficult job and it needs the right back-up.
The Editorial argues for a reconsideration of social work record-keeping, with less emphasis on ticking boxes and more on telling the child’s story.
This month there are three of Robert Shaw’s Key Texts – all reports which had a major influence on policy-making in the latter half of the twentieth century:-Crime – A Challenge to Us All,-The Child, the Family and the Young Offender, and-Children in trouble.
And there’s News Views.