Another mixture of articles this month, with some emphasis on residential care and some on parenting.
The Editorial focuses on the need for a fundamental review of our schooling system and raises a lot of question. News Views covers work-based crèches, mealtimes, playtime supervision and travel.
In Teacher Diaries, Valerie Jackson has focused this month on teaching methods, especially the different schemes used to help children learn to read.
Keith White calls for careful thinking, challenging the glib assumption that a bad home is better than a good institution.
In the ICSE column, Clair Davies argues the case for residential child care as part of a process of rehabilitation.
In his history of approved schools, Jim Hyland has reached the turbulent 1960s, when the system was wound up and the schools became community homes.Child Care History
Charles Sharpe notifies us of the contents of the latest issue of goodenoughcaring.
There are then four short articles, all having a bearing on parenting. First is Geraldine Abrahams’s encouragement to parents to offer babies tummy time.
Then there is news of growth in children’s services, bucking the trend, in a description of plans for a work-based crèche in Leeds.
Allison Grant explains paternity leave rights, and Sebastien Lahtinen offers advice to help parents against misuse of broadband by their offspring.
As usual, we have two Key Texts prepared by Robert Shaw – the Black Report and the Skinner Report, both well-written and influential reports from Northern Ireland and Scotland respectively – but deserving to be noted elsewhere