We have something of an international flavour this month, with contributions from the Republic of Ireland, Slovenia, Australia and Pakistan.
– Noel Howard has written about developments in child care in Ireland, a country whose services have been rocked by scandals, but where there are encouraging signs of new developments.
– Meredith Kiraly has been researching kinship care in Australia; it has real strengths, but there are weaknesses as well.
– Dr Tomaž Vec of Slovenia analyses communication – its different functions, and their significance for relating to young people.
– We have included a piece from Save the Children Fund, reporting on the impact of the floods in Pakistan on the schooling and employment one year on.
– And the Editorial addresses the problems found in Ireland and elsewhere of the Roman Catholic Church re-establishing trust.
Then we have the contributions of our regular columnists.
– Keith White talks people’s need to matter to someone committed to their welfare over a long time – “held in a healthy mind“.
– Valerie Jackson recounts what work was like in a Child Guidance Clinic, and the children she met.
– Chris Durkin consider the value of exams, and their usefulness in meeting children’s educational needs.
– Jim Hyland’s sixth article on the history of approved schools looks at the plans made to change the system.
– Dr Lin Day gives advice on travelling with children in the summertime.
– Robert Shaw has provided two more Key Texts – the Cleveland Report and the Orkney Report, the outcomes of inquiries into events which hit the headlines in the late 1980s.
– News Views talks this month about time out, Sir Paul Ennals, social pedagogy and kinship care.
And finally, Lesley Wright wants to know if you have views on time out. If you have experience or opinions, please contact Lesley, as time for the consultation is running out.