In This Issue
The Editorial this month draws together a number of points in other articles and points up the responsibilities facing the child care profession.
News Views has its usual mixture including the recognition of social education/ pedagogy as a profession, allergies, children’s savings, attainments and the school year, choice of school, Raissa Page, and interprofessional co-operation
Vic Citarella reports on a meeting with Tim Loughton, Minister for Children and Families, about the leadership needed by the residential sector, and he encourages everyone to give their support by signing the e-petition to re-establish NCERCC.
Keith White writes about an apparently minor incident which typified what the Big Society can achieve.
Valerie Jackson completes her seven-part Teacher Diaries, in which she has described how her career as a teacher started out and developed.
John Pierce argues that teachers should sign up to a Pedagogical Oath: do you agree?
Chris Durkin analyses the recent riots, and wants to emphasise the positives in a complex situation.
Jim Hyland‘s history of the Approved Schools service looks at their change into CHEs.
Dr Lin Day speaks of the importance of fathers being involved in parenting babies from the start.
Robert Shaw’s two Key Texts are years apart but the issues they cover have some overlaps – Thérèse Brosse’s report on the impact of the Second World War on children in Europe and Felicity Fletcher-Campbell’s survey of the successful aspects of educating looked-after children.
Finally, a Book Review of James Wetz’s proposal for Urban Village Schools, in which he wants to put relationships at the heart of secondary school organisation and design.
How about that for variety?