In This Issue: January 2010

The main theme this month is Young Vision 2020, in which we are publishing the views of children and young people. After a brief Introduction, we have divided up the responses by country – Romania, Australia, the United States and the UK. We’re still looking for more.

We have quite a variety of material in the rest of the magazine. There is the grandmother‘s angle on the Adoption Story. There is a powerful piece by Charles Pragnell, where he points out the lack of children’s rights in Court processes.

Keith White writes of an educational success story in In Residence. A.J. Stone’s novel fills out the picture of life in a children’s home during holiday-time. Valerie Jackson wants to start a discussion on the establishment of a new children’s home.

Gabriel Eichsteller and Sylvia Holthoff report on the launch of the Social Pedagogy Development Network. We have two health items on puppy-fat and swine flu vaccination respectively, and advice to parents about choosing play settings. Anton Tobé reports on the recent FICE meeting in Bulgaria.

Robert Shaw‘s two Key Texts focus on adoption with works by Tizard and Wiener. We advertise the contents of the lates issue of the goodenoughcaring Journal, and as usual we give our own angle on things in News Views. We also have one Book Review about kids’ letters to President Obama.

And, of course, the first issue of Children Webmag came out ten years ago this month, so in the Editorial we look back and look forwards.

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