The theme of this issue is residential child care, and a number of writers have contributed. The two Key Texts are classics of residential child care – A.S. Neill on Summerhill, and David Wills on Richard Balbernie’s work at the Cotswold Community. Charles Sharpe has raised the issue about the inadequacy of training for residential workers, describing them as an undervalued, unacknowledged and untrained profession. In the Editorial we ask why there are still so many anti-residential field social workers.
There are also a lot of other items. Charles Sharpe has written to introduce the latest edition of the e-journal goodenoughcaring. Robert Shaw has written a thoughtful piece about values, following last month’s Editorial. Charles Pragnell has identified the serious problem of sociopath fathers, some of whom kill their children. We have a report of a recent FICE conference in Budapest, and one of the speeches. There is a report on Young Addaction Liverpool’s campaign to raise public awareness of the help for drug addicts. Chris Durkin questions the practice of sending children to prison. Christina Lancucki announces the founding of BSA’s Childhood Study Group. Delma Hughes has written about Siblings Together, the holiday camp programmes which her organisation runs to offer brothers and sisters the chance to meet and share activities. And, of course, there is News Views.