We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Maybe we do not have to re-invent the wheel but perhaps, if we really are to understand it, we need to discover it for ourselves. In this way the contributors to the sixth issue of the goodenoughcaring Journal writing about different aspects of childhood and nurturing may help us to get to ‘know the place’ for the first time.
In issue number 6 :
Writing at a time when fewer people live in the same neighbourhood and community in which they were born and spent their childhood, the Totnes author, Bob Mann, reflects on his experience of living in the same community throughout his life.
Jonathan Stanley the Manager of the National Centre for Excellence in Residential Child Care in England in an interview with Charles Sharpe talks about what NCERRC has achieved and is achieving for the residential child care service in England.
Laura Steckley of the University of Strathclyde weighs up the sensitive issues about care and control which are thrown up by the use of physical restraint in child care.
Nancy Mohindra examines the mental health services provision for young people in England.
Jeremy Millar, in a moving description of an innovative project at Robert Gordon University, tells us about the participation of children and young people who are the recipients of social work services in the training of social workers, and Calum Strathie writes about the use of video interactive guidance in Dundee – with the involvement of young people – in a unique pilot training course for residential child care workers.
The social worker Donna Hugh, in a wide-ranging overview of educational provision for children looked after in the care system, explains why we should still be concerned about the educational achievement of these children, while Evelyn Daniel analyses the difficulties faced when carers attempt to help children in care achieve well at school and demonstrates how these difficulties can be overcome.
The child care consultant and trainer Cynthia Cross offers us case vignettes which provoke us to challenge the defensive nature of practice guidelines for child care workers.
Dominic McNally, who is a social worker in London, explains how psychodynamic principles influenced his work when he was a residential child care worker.
We do hope there will a great deal to interest you in this issue. We would also draw you attention to our essay competition, (which is open to anyone and prizes will not necessarily be won by high literary merit, neither will they be won for accurate spelling and punctuation, but they will definitely be won because the essay is interesting).
Best wishes,
Evelyn Daniel, Siobain Degregorio, Jane Kenny, Mark Smith, Ariola Vishnja and Charles Sharpe
Editorial group : http://www.goodenoughcaring.