We are the TC Elders, a group of experienced individuals from a variety of professional backgrounds, who have all worked in Therapeutic Communities (TC) and share a strong belief in the value of the Therapeutic Community experience.
We want to provide an online community meeting space for those affected, in whatever way, by the situation in Ukraine, and who want to think and perhaps talk about it.
We all know how difficult it can be to think. There may be too many distractions, demands, internal and external pressures. Even words can become weapons. The language of conflict and war is often designed to obscure, muffle, or terrify and the pain of loss can enrage, creating dissonance and distance.
This is an invitation to come together on a bimonthly basis, starting in October, as a virtual community for an hour to create a reflective and supportive place. The first meeting will be at 12.15 (UK time) on Tuesday October 18th and then every alternate month on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. You can convert the times to your own time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html
The usual rules of coming together as a community apply, respect the dignity and confidentiality of others, listen and allow others to speak.
This is the link to the Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85124200644?pwd=VzN4em9mMnJtc2dLQ
And this is the link to the TC elder’s site. https://mulberrybush.org.uk/mb3/tc-elders
Or contact them directly on [email protected]
Please feel free to share this with anyone or any organization that would appreciate knowing about this space.