Appletree attends Children’s Homes Event

Appletree’s residential children’s home’s Sarah Putt was delighted to find out she had been successfully nominated for ‘star’ carer by one of Appletree’s children – Katie.

Sarah, Katie and Appletree’s Registered Manager Cath Banks were amongst a group who were invited to attend a celebration event in London. There were over 300 nominations for ‘star’ carer, Sarah was amongst the group of 13 who were to be presented with the award.

The residential children’s homes’ workers and the children and young people who nominated them as having gone ‘the extra mile’ took part in the event which celebrated the vital work of children’s homes’ carers and the important role that they have played in the lives’ of young people in their care.

Assembling in the Westminster Hall the children and their carers were given a special House of Commons tour, the tour guides showed them some of ‘the best bits’ and gave lots of fun facts. “But we weren’t allowed to sit down”, said Katie.


The party then travelled to the Department for Education’s headquarters in Sanctuary Buildings where they were welcomed by Andrew Sargent. Tim Loughton, Minister for Children, gave a speech and presented certificates to Sarah and the other care workers. The children had the chance to give their views about what made their home a good place to live. Ministers also took the opportunity to review with them what it is that makes their home safe. Katie took the opportunity to present Tim Loughton with a picture she had drawn and to invite him to tea at Appletree.

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