If, as a child, your favourite comic magazine dropped into your letter box, were you even more excited when you found that it was a ‘bumper’ issue with more pages and more stories ? Well, you may not quite get that visceral thrill now that the goodenoughcaring journal has just dropped into your virtual letter box, but we hope that you will be interested and excited by what you find inside our ‘bumper’ issue at http://www.goodenoughcaring.com.
Lorea Boneke reflects on the factors which influence the resilience of children in care.
Claudette Brown writes about the role of the learning mentor.
Douglas Cameron tells us what it feels like to work in a children’s home for the first time.
Athlene Derry describes her work helping a youngster return to mainstream school.
John Fallowfield looks at ways an understanding of attachment theory can help social workers engage with children and their families.
Leon Fulcher provides one of texts for a child care training workshop he will be introducing at the forthcoming IFCO conference in Dublin.
Simon Hammond examines how life story work with children could be changing in our more technologically proficient age.
Joel Kanter writes about Clare Winnicott (too often seen in the shadow of her husband) and her major contributions to child care and child development.
John Stein considers the problems of finding the right name for the child care profession.
Keith White considers The Growth of Love in child care from his Christian perspective.
Alison Poltock reviews Helena Trestikova’s film Rene.
Charles Sharpe reviews Mark Smith’s book Rethinking Residential Care : Positive Perspectives.
On the home page your attention is also drawn to forthcoming events
Please post us your short comments about the journal and of course we welcome your articles for publication and your ideas about new articles. Remember if you want to make a long comment it is likely to be a potential article, so please email it to [email protected].
Best wishes,
Evelyn Daniel, Siobian Degregorio, Jane Kenny, Ariola Vishnja and Charles Sharpe.