
Charles Sharpe has sent us the following outline of the latest issue of goodenoughcaring, which has just come out.We hope you are well and that you don’t mind us reminding you that another six months has past and issue 9 of the goodenoughcaring journal is now online. You can find it at We are very excited about this collection of new articles. We hope you enjoy them and we would really welcome it if you were to write and submit an article for one of our future issues.

In this issue Viki Bird and Gabriel Eichsteller consider the relevance of social pedagogy.

Lorea Boneke thinks about adolescence, parents and growing up.

In The Kerelaw Papers, with a foreword by Mark Smith, Bob Forrest takes a ‘Yes Minister’ approach to portray unresolved issues in the aftermath of investigations into residential child care in Scotland.

Simon Hammond finds out what young people in residential care think about the relevance and the uses of social networks.

Kate Lawrence examines the consequences of the disrupted lives of children who are looked after in the care system.

Linnet McMahon writes about the significance of encouraging children to play and the need to provide a “facilitating environment” in which it can take place.

Dave Roberts advocates reflective training for child care workers.

Hans Kornerup gives us his thoughts on theory and practice in residential child care.

John Stein’s personal recollections of scenes from his childhood put us in touch with the importance of our Mums.

Jennie Thomas examines the meaning and merits of a liberal education for our children, and Marie Tree analyses her ethics, ethos, practice and aspirations following her post-qualifying social work programme.

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