Explore Learning, who run engaging extra-curricular educational activities
all year round, have provided the following ideas.
1 Make Shopping Mathematically Fun
Get your young ones involved in the shop. Ask them to recite prices for you
and how much items will cost according to what’s in your trolley. Not only
will this keep them engaged, they will thoroughly enjoy the weekly shop and
find it more fab than drag!
2 Get Them Reading Everywhere and Anywhere
Whether you’re on public transport or travelling by car, get them to
identify the different names they see, how to pronounce those names and how
to spell them. This could range from street and road names to tube stations.
Make it feel like a game by getting them choose words for you to spell as
3 Bake and Read
Turn baking cakes and cookies into an educational game. Get the children in
the kitchen and ask them to read the ingredients and instructions. They can
cook and learn at the same time. For older children you can test their
division, multiplication and problem solving skills by asking them to adapt
the recipe for different amounts of servings.
4 Family Time
If your child has an older sibling get them involved in your educational
games. By explaining to them that you want their help it will make them feel
very grown-up, and your younger child will love being included in activities
with older siblings that they look up to.
5 Discovery
Give your child a new word each day and explain to them what it means. For
that day, see if they can use the word in a sentence as much as possible.
This can also be done for maths. Dependant on your child’s age, give them a
number and ask them to find items around the house that add up to that
number, or all the possible ways they can reach it using mental maths.
6 Trip to the Library
Libraries contain a wealth of knowledge and adventure all under one roof.
Most libraries also hold events each day for the holiday such as reading
marathons and homework clubs that are free. Contact your local library for
more information.
7 Museums
Museums are like a maze; so make a game out of it. Use the map and get them
to navigate and direct you to each segment. It’s a great way to test their
motor skills and get their brains working in an unfamiliar environment.
8 Workshops
Take them to a complimentary Explore Learning workshop at your local centre.
We have a range of fun literacy and numeracy workshops occurring in several
of our centres over holidays, many based on engaging books such as Harry
Potter, or the Gruffalo. Find your nearest centre by entering your postcode
in the search box on the website: www.explorelearning.co.uk and call to find
out more about the workshops they will be offering, or to book a 1:1 session
with one of their experienced tutors.
9 Play-Dates
Take the children out with other friends. They will feed off their friends’
energy and educational games will seem more fun. Try challenging each of
them using number or word flash cards. It will stimulate their memory and
play to their competitive spirits!
10 Bath Time
Make daily chores such as bath-time or washing-up fun by incorporating
colourful letter or number magnets. They float on the water and can be used
in a multitude of games that will keep them engaged even during the most
mundane of activities!