Young Vision 2020: Australia

Hoson Zhong, Australia

* What do you hope the world will be like in ten years’ time?

In ten years time the world will be like a rubbish dump.

* How do you think it’s going to change?

People will start to recycle.

* What are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward for being a chess master.

* What are you afraid may happen during the next ten years?

I will die.

* What do you hope will happen during the next ten years?

Be famous.

* What would you like to say to people in power?

Don’t be a wimp.

* What would you do if you were in power yourself?
Don’t know.

Jordan Andreadis,

(We’re not sure of Jordan’s country, but we guess it’s Australia.)

* What do you hope the world will be like in ten years’ time?

In ten years’ time people have switched from small to big cars that you can ride like 10 year olds.

* How do you think it’s going to change?

Kids are going to love it.

* What are you looking forward to?

I am looking forward to getting a scholarship.

* What are you afraid may happen during the next ten years?

I’ll get injured.

* What do you hope will happen during the next ten years?

Everybody gets a car.

* What would you like to say to people in power?

Get better.

* What would you do if you were in power yourself?

Be crying.

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