Fearless, Savvy Aviator Inspires Girls, in High-Flying New Children’s Book
In today’s society, any woman can thrive in what has traditionally been deemed a male-dominated career. However, the world of children’s literature lags far behind, with many female characters still existing as princesses or damsels in distress.
It’s time to get off the runway, because Pilot Jane has been cleared to land in her new book, ‘Pilot Jane and the Runaway Plane’. Written particularly for young children aged between two and five, this inspirational volume oozes with world travel, action, rhyme and a constant reminder that being a girl is no bar to flying high in life.
The author explains her creation:
“There’s a number of vital dynamics at play in the book and its story. Firstly, Jane satisfies a growing need for a smart, strong female role model who has real confidence in her own abilities. I want children to see a girl doing something a bit different, and know that they too can aspire to excel at the top of their game in a career that has traditionally been reserved for men. “Girl power” is such a boundless thing. I also want to foster a thirst for travel and exploration in young readers. The book takes them to many places around the world where, for example, Jane surfs, does tai chi, practises her Chinese and even has tea with the Queen! I wrote it to be an enjoyable, but also inspiring read that offers a positive message about what girls can achieve if they have some self-belief and don’t let others’ preconceptions stand in their way.”
‘Pilot Jane and the Runaway Plane’, from Big Sunshine Books, is available now: http://amzn.to/2o2dUoE