Accompanying the Student Life Handbook is the Palgrave Student Planner 2006, prepared by Stella Cottrell. We were rather amazed to see that this has an ISBN as it is really an A5 diary covering the academic year 2006-7. It is designed for students, with all the right slots in it to record useful numbers, lecture times and all the other things one cannot keep in one’s head.
It also has over 30 “Quick Check” pages – the conventions of academic study, spelling rules, punctuation, conversion factors, cooking temperatures, laundry symbols and Chinese animal years among them. No doubt some of these will be helpful in writing essays, but other lists look as if they will be more useful when preparing for University Challenge.
And there are the diary pages, with an A4 spread per week. All in all, quite a useful volume if it helps its owners to organise their lives.
Cottrell, S (2006) Palgrave Student Planner 2006 Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke
ISBN – 13: 978 –0-230-00219-7
ISBN – 10: 0-230-00219-6