on Wednesday 18 October 2006
4.00-5.00pm, Committee Room 4, House of Lords
Talking about my generation: Intergenerational projects explored
Alan Hatton-Yeo, Director of the Beth Johnson Foundation and the Centre for Intergenerational Practice
Younger and older volunteers from two intergenerational projects: Age Concern Kingston and Sixty Plus.
Intergenerational projects aim to bring generations together in positive and mutually beneficial activities to promote greater understanding and respect between generations and to build more cohesive communities. This meeting is an opportunity to hear about intergenerational work throughout the country, and to discuss its potential for promoting better relationships between the generations, as well as wider community engagement and regeneration. Alan Hatton-Yeo, Director of the Beth Johnson Foundation and the Centre for Intergenerational Practice, will provide an overview on intergenerational projects and their impact. The meeting will then hear from younger and older volunteers at two intergenerational projects, followed by questions and discussion.
All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty
on Thursday 17 October 2006
4.30 – 6.30pm, Committee Room 14
Hosting the launch of the
Month of Action to End Child Poverty
3.4 million children live in poverty in the UK today, which is more than one in four – a shocking figure, given the wealth of our nation. What role can parliamentarians play to ensure an end to child poverty is found?
The Secretary of State, Rt Hon John Hutton MP, will address the meeting and take questions. Members will also be able to speak to young people, Moira McHale and Jonathan Simpson, who have experience of the issues we will be discussing, Helen Dent, a trustee of the Campaign to End Child Poverty, Director of the Family Welfare Association, and Donald Hirsch, Special Adviser to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and author of their latest research on the costs of ending child poverty.