There is a residential care theme to five of the contributions this month.
- Robert Shaw considers what has been learnt about attachment and resilience in residential care.
- Simon Rodway celebrates the Caldecott Community’s centenary.
- Jim Hyland has written the third of his series on approved schools.
- It is the final chapter of A.J. Stone’s brilliant account of Aaron, a boy in residential care, Beyond Caring.
- The ICSE Professional Insights column has a draft Manifesto which focuses on the needs of residential care managers.
There are also articles on a variety of subjects.
- The Editorial takes a look at the implications of change, arising from the cuts.
- Keith White has been to Uganda, and learnt about child care developments.
- Valerie Jackson has provided an account of the start of her professional career as a teacher.
- Dr Lin Day offers ideas about baby’s first Easter.
- There is a Manifesto from Australia proposing changes in family law.
- We have Peter Corey’s ten tips on reading books with children.
- Robert Shaw’s Key Texts this month have a Scottish theme, with the Clyde Report on Homeless Children and the Kilbrandon Report, which shaped Scotland’s treatment of young offenders.
Finally, as always, News Views contains a mixed bag of the serious and not so serious.