In This Issue: January 2011

Happy New Year, and welcome to our first issue of 2011. As is fitting for the festive season, we have quite a mixed diet on the plate this month.

A.J. Stone’s story about a boy in care – Aaron, Beyond Caring, rolls forward; it still has a few months to go, and if you are not a regular reader, you can catch up on all the chapters to date.

Keith White writes about transition, focusing especially on the jolt some children suffer on moving to secondary school.

Clair Davies asks readers to look back on Christmas. It can be a really good time for children in care, but things can go wrong too. How was it for you?

Charlotte Levene shares an account of a field trip to study social pedagogy in Germany.

Benny Andersen, President of AIEJI, describes the international projects which they are involved in.

Based on personal experience Vibeke Lasson describes her concern about bullying by young people through SMS and Facebook.

David Pearson describes the growth of training and consultancy in child protection provided to churches by CCPAS.

Valerie Jackson describes the current training scene and raises questions.

David Lane has proposed the idea of a corporate family for children and young people leaving care.

Arti Poddar offers ten tips to parents choosing a nursery.

There is a report on a CCHN Conference at which the impact of new technology on recording children’s histories was taken apart.

We carry the contents of Charles Sharpe’s goodenoughcaring journal and commend it to you.

Robert Shaw’s two Key Texts this month refer to two cohort studies prepared by Ken Fogelman, one on sixteen-year-olds and the other on the collated findings of the follow-up studies.

News Views has the usual mixture of serious snippets and trivia, including locking children up, justice, leaving care, smells, the X Factor, toddlers’ tantrums, CORE, the Mouse Club, the Pushmepullyou, Youth & Policy and toothbrushes.

And in the Editorial we encourage you to contribute and send our best wishes for the New Year.

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