In This Issue: June 2010

This month’s theme is looking back to look forward – a number of angles on the history of child care which may affect the way we look at things. These articles are scattered throughout the issue, so we start with an introduction to the theme and an explanation of why history is important.

Among the articles on the theme are:

We have two items from other countries:
The first, by Lucky Jacobs, tells of a Youth Congress in South Africa, and what the children learnt from it.
The second is a report from CORE of National Residential Education Day – an idea other countries could pick up from the States.

We have another brilliant chapter by A.J. Stone on Aaron, a boy in residential care.
Valerie Jackson has written about the importance of fathers parenting.
Stephen Studd
welcomes the Government’s new play strategy guidance.
The Editorial looks at the best use of resources – as the Government is doing.

The two Key Texts this month both relate to children coming to terms with their predicaments and learning to act socially:

And we have four book reviews:

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